Know Your Farmer | Mama Jean's Natural Market

MaMa Visits Elder Farms

Nestled along the Spring River lies Mount Vernon’s treasured century family farm. What started over 100 years ago has evolved over four generations and blossomed into Elder Farms.  Once a small dairy and traditional crop farm, the Buehler family pulled a brave, 180 degree turn, to focus on providing a more healing product to their community. The elderberry plant was a natural choice, as it’s been used medicinally throughout the ages. 


Meet Your Local Farmer: Box Turtle

Box Turtle started on the outskirts of St. Louis back in 2009, growing veggies for farmers’ markets and a small CSA. In 2011,  Box turtle expanded their operation to its current home in Mount Vernon, MO. Certified USDA organic since 2013, Box Turtle strives to produce the best possible vegetables. All lettuces are usually harvested within 2 days of delivery, giving you the freshest farm-to-table taste possible. They supply us with cucumbers, zucchinis, and greens. In fact, they make a salad mix just for us!