March | Mama Jean's Natural Market

DIY Hand Sanitizers Using Essential Oils

While hand washing with soap & warm water for at least 20 seconds is the best defense against spreading viruses and bacteria, we live such on-the-go lives that we need other options until we can get to a sink to wash up!


Herb & Spice Features: Organic Raw Sesame Seeds

Making homemade tahini is fun & easy! Tahini's unique flavor can enhance a variety of dishes, most commonly hummus and other dips. With its roasted, ground sesame seeds, this savory nutty-tasting paste is even better when blended with hemp seeds! Once you've made your tahini paste, enjoy it in salad dressings, as a condiment for falafel, or in a variety of other dipping sauces.

Healthy Tahini Spread with Hemp Seeds
makes about 1 1/2 cups



March's Smoothie - Cucumber Kiwi

Our featured smoothie for March is as green and fresh as a spring morning. Made with clean, vegetarian protein from spirulina, deeply hydrating coconut water, good-for-your skin cucumber, good-for-your digestion pineapple, and added green goodness from spinach, our Cucumber Kiwi smoothie will get you ready for the warmer weather to come!

Available in a 16 oz. size at all delis, including MJ's Market & Deli on Battlefield Rd.


March's Featured Latte: Pot of Gold

Our featured latte for March, Pot of Gold, will make you feel like you hit the jackpot with its rich flavors of Irish Cream and Spiced Brown Sugar. It's a staff favorite. Try one while you can!

Available in 12 oz and 16 oz sizes in all of our delis, including MJ's Market & Deli.


Change for Change: La Leche League of Springfield

La Leche League of Springfield is our non-profit organization we are highlighting in March for our Change for Change program. Their mission statement is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.


Herb & Spice Features: Organic Cut Dried Chives & Guayusa Tea

Organic Dried and Cut Chives

Garlic and Chive Spice Mix, makes 64 servings
Make a big batch of this spice mix to have on hand when you need to whip up a quick vegetable dip, or easy, flavorful salad dressing. This spice mix is also the perfect gift when accompanied with a recipe card showing how to turn it into a dip or vinaigrette!
