pecans | Mama Jean's Natural Market

July's smoothie: Oatmeal Cream Pie

Our featured smoothie for July, Oatmeal Cream Pie, is Summer at Grandma's in a liquid form. Long days outside spent playing in the sprinkler while the smell of her baked goods wafted through the air. 

Homey, refreshing, and delicious with the flavors of pecan, cinnamon, gluten-free oatmeal, banana, and turmeric. This smoothie still manages to be good for you!

Available in 12 oz and 16 oz sizes, come try one today!


Bulk Feature: Organic Pecans

Pecans are a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals such as manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, offering some wonderful health benefits. Pecan nuts contain monounsaturated fats such as oleic acid along with phenolic antioxidants which help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Bulk Organic Pecans are on sale during the month of April for $14.94 per pound. You save $2.85!