April 2018 | Mama Jean's Natural Market

Produce Sales: April

We have some amazing deals on organic produce this month, while supplies last! 

4/1 - 15
Asparagus $3.49/lb
Brussels Sprouts $3.49/lb
Blackberries 6oz $2.49 each
Strawberries 1lb $2.99 each

4/16 - 30
Broccoli $1.79/lb
Cauliflower $2.99 each
Blackberries 6oz $2.49 each
Strawberries 1lb $2.99 each
Mini Watermelon $4.49 each


Change for Change: OACAC

OACAC is a nonprofit agency working to alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in the Ozarks. As part of a nationwide network of Community Action Agencies, OACAC continues the fight against poverty with innovative programs and expanded services for children through Head Start and Early Head Start. From developing programs for families to initiating community projects, OACAC is committed to making the Ozarks a better place to live and work for all residents.